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商品簡介 |
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Bare Conductive Touch Board
Description: The Touch Board from Bare Conductive is an easy-to-use Arduino@Heart board that gives you the ability to turn almost any material or surface into a sensor. Each Touch Board offers 12 electrodes for your a conductive ink or other type of connector that can be drawn or attached to create light switches, musical instruments, or custom interactive surfaces all through the Arduino IDE. The Bare Conductive Touch Board is even equipped with an onboard MP3 player making each board capable of turning your favorite song into a MIDI tune. Simply put: if you can do something with an Arduino or Arduino-compatible device, you can do it (and more) with the Touch Board and some conductive ink as well!
The Touch Board has been specifically designed to be a microcontroller board with dedicated capacitive touch and MP3 decoder ICs. Each board has a 3.5mm audio jack and micro SD card holder (for file storage), as well as its own 128MB micro SD card. The Touch Board has been based around the ATmega32U4 and runs at 16MHz from 3-5.5VDC. It has everything you would expect to be on an Arduino-type device including, a micro USB connector, a JST connector for an external lithium polymer (LiPo) cell, a power switch and a reset button. It should be known that there is limit of 32GB to the microSD card sized used with this board.
The Bare Conductive Touch Board is similar to the Arduino Leonardo and can be programmed using the Arduino IDE (1.5.6 or later). To power the Touch board simply attach it to a micro USB connection or from a 3.7V lithium polymer (LiPo) cell connected to the 2-way JST PH series connector. The onboard ATmega32U4 can appear to a connected computer as a mouse or a keyboard, serial port, or USB MIDI device.
Note: The Touch Board does NOT include a micro USB cable or LiPo battery. These items will need to be purchased separately and can be found in the Recommended Products section below.
南瓜專題 |
萬聖節期間,我們將向您展示如何讓南瓜變得更生動,如何在觸摸南瓜時播放聲音或音效。 您甚至可以將其用作警報!
我們將釘子穿刺在南瓜上,以便可以連結觸摸板,然後透過導電漆把釘子附蓋住, 讓導電漆和南瓜成為傳感器!
因此,當您觸摸南瓜時,它會發出聲音。 對於觸摸板入門套件來說,這是一個很棒的項目!
【步驟 1】-----------------------------------
雕刻完南瓜後,用鋼筆繪製南瓜的輪廓。 在南瓜背面,切一個小孔。(將使用觸摸板的USB電纜線穿過該小孔。 )
然後,將一個或多個釘子穿過南瓜。 並且在上面塗上導電漆。 從南瓜的前部到內部,釘子將成為我們的核心角色!
將導電漆塗在南瓜臉上,也用導電漆塗覆蓋釘子。 如果您發現南瓜太油亮,請再塗第二層電漆。
【步驟 2】------------------------------------
油漆乾燥時,您可以將MP3上傳到觸碰板觸摸板。 準備好MP3後,請從觸碰板上卸下SD卡,然後將帶有讀卡器的SD卡插入電腦。 在電腦找到要使用的MP3。 軌道的名稱必須為TRACK0XX.mp3,其中XX是相應的電極。 例如,當觸發電極E0時播放TRACK000.mp3,為電極E3播放TRACK003.mp3,依此類推,直到TRACK011.mp3。
【步驟 3】-----------------------------------
【步驟 4】-----------------------------------
將線夾的另一端連接到電極E11。 打開揚聲器,然後將其插入觸碰板。 接下來,打開設備電源,並觸摸南瓜,它應該會發出聲音!
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